Sinfon data analitycs
In the past, business improvement was viewed through three dimensions: people, business processes and technology. In the digital age, a fourth dimension is added - data.
Sinfon allows you to put the valuable information you get from the data into the foundation of your organization's management. Our solutions efficiently and effectively enable obtaining knowledge through data analysis, which is crucial for making business decisions.
Our solutions include all types of data: structured, partially structured, unstructured as well as data streams that must be processed in real time.
In the field of advanced analytics, we enable our customers to move from a reactive approach to management that answers the questions "what happened" and "why did it happen" to a proactive approach that deals with the questions "what will happen" and "what do we need to do to the desired outcome has occurred."
Our reporting solutions allow you to see the whole picture of your business and make better decisions based on more accurate information. You can independently access your data and create visualizations and reports without the need for programming. You can monitor your business in real time and react to changes in your business immediately.
Prediktivna scenarija omogućuju organizacijama da analiziraju velike količine podataka i predvide buduće trendove u poslovanju. Korisnici mogu samostalno, bez poznavanja tehnika mašinskog učenja, da kreiraju predikativne modele. Na primer, na osnovu istorijskih podataka prodaje u maloprodaji takvi modeli će predvideti prodaju do kraja godine.
Simulations using "value driver tree" (VDT) methods allow analysts to model different scenarios of the impact of key parameters on business results. Analysts are enabled to make different business strategies easier and more precisely depending on changes in business conditions.
Advantages of the proposed solution
- All in one application: reports, analyses, plans, budgets, simulations and predictions
- Flexibility in designing planning models, simulations, allocation and data visualization
- "Excel-less" planning and budgeting
- Elimination of information silos through a unified data warehouse
- Business users are able to independently develop and maintain reports
Sinfon SAP Data Analytics Team 2023